Find the latest version of “ALL EXCEL FORMULAS DIGITAL EDITION” to learn Excel formulas in Hindi. Our template library now includes more than 900 ready-to-use Excel templates.Maximal electroshock-induced epilepsy in rats. Part II: protective effects of some cyclic and acyclic nucleosides against seizure and mortality.
The protective effects of cyclic (1) and acyclic (2) nucleosides were evaluated in the maximal electroshock (MES)-induced seizure test in rats. Nucleosides were injected intraperitoneally 30 min before electrical stimulation. 1-10 mg/kg of cyclic (CYC) and acyclic nucleosides (ACN) protected animals against the seizure stage and death. The mortality rates with 30 mg/kg of ACN were significantly lower than those with the other agents. With ACN (3), the animals with 6 mg/kg showed the best protection, especially with delayed administration (0.5-3 h). The protection obtained with ACN (3) was more selective for generalized seizures than for tonic-clonic seizures. The effects of 3 on the early and late phases of electroconvulsive shock (ECS) were studied. The treatment with 3 mg/kg was effective when given 30 min before the stimulus. This indicated that the treatment of seizures with 3 could inhibit the cortical spreading depression in the early phase and the cerebral edema in the late phase of ECS. However, 3 increased mortality in ECS. Since high doses of ACN were not effective and 3 increased mortality in ECS, further studies of the effects of ACN derivatives are indicated.Q:
Poincare's duality and compactly supported cohomology
While reading about cohomology, I have noticed a statement that isn't clearly explained to me:
The definition of cohomology and what Poincare's duality stands for in cohomology is that if $X$ is a locally compact, Hausdorff space, then $H^*(X)$ is isomorphic to the dual space of $H_c^*(X)$. Where $H_c^*(X)$ is the cohomology of $X$ with compactly supported cohomology (a special case of locally compact, locally trivial, second countable spaces, whose cohomology consists of cohomology classes of compactly supported be359ba680
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